Saturday, July 21, 2012

Help Baby Sister Collect Hearts

Baby Sister's Hearts

Baby Sister is going to have to go through an awful lot over the next few months.  She’ll be traveling, meeting new people, doctors, nurses, and hopefully some nice new friends.  It’s going to take a lot of courage to go through surgery, heal, and get through this new phase with a smile.  What Baby Sister needs now more than ever is Faith and Courage.  Will you pray with us that God will give her the Heart to go through it all?  Please show your support for Baby Sister by helping her to find her Hearts.  The more hearts she receives, the more she will know that you are praying for her and helping to support her in this very life changing experience.  You may help her to collect as manyhearts as you like.  God bless you and we Thank You for your love, prayers, and support in advance!

Purchase the Pink Heart for just $5.00 and the Blue Heart for only $1.00 and have your name and heart posted right here on this page within 24-48 hours showing that you support EA/TEF Awareness.  Your Heart will encourage Baby Sister and your Donations will help get her to Cincinnati and help to further support the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital in their effort to reverse the effects of the EA-TEF birth defect.

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