Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Baby Sister Needs Your Support

We are very grateful that Baby Sister is a EA/TEF Survivor!  Yet her song continues... and her challenges have continued causing her to need more specialized medical care.  Since October 2011, Baby Sister has been hospitalized frequently with aspiration pneumonia and has been on 19 different courses of antibiotics and steroids!!!  She is either going on a course of antibiotics and steroids or coming off of a course.  While our family is blessed to have insurance, we have incurred significant out of pocket expenses, and are faced with an even greater expense to get Baby Sister the help that she really needs. 

 In August, we will be taking Baby Sister to Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center for an initial consultation and evaluation that consists of a week's worth of testing.  Baby Sister will be evaluated by an elite team of doctors that are experienced in working with patients with difficult esophageal disorders.  After the initial week, we will be given a treatment plan for Baby Sister and will need to return to Cincinnati Children's Hospital for treatment.  We are excited about the possibilities, and prayerful that she will finally be medically stable and can live a more normal life.

Therefore, we are hosting Baby Sister's EA:TEF Walk-A-Thon, selling speciality items, and promoting other events to raise awareness about Esophageal Atresia and Tracheoesophageal Fistula; and to raise money to off-set anticipated expenses.  Your contribution and support will have a lasting impact on a well deserving life... Baby Sister.

For more information on how to help, please visit http://ShadeNaturals.com/Baby-Sisters-Song/.

Many Thanks in Advance!!!

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