Thursday, October 25, 2012

An Aunt's Prayer for Baby Sister

Heavenly Father, it is in the name of Jesus Christ Your Son and our Saviour that I come to you this afternoon. I am continuing to pray for the safety of my niece Miss Malinda Eryn Barnes, our little Baby Sister. They are cutting, removing, stretching, and pulling on her in an attempt to help her to breathe, eat, and grow up without constant discomfort. We know that You are the Healer. Post Your strongest Angels around her. Guide the hands, minds, thoughts, and intentions of the medical personnel and let Your mighty, powerful, merciful, loving will be done. Take charge I pray and touch my sister and her husband and help them to stand together in faith that You are in TOTAL control. Thank you for hearing and answering our prayers Lord. I can't wait to see what the end will be and we are looking forward to a Miracle. Thank You in advance. We love You Lord. Amen.

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