Saturday, August 24, 2013

Baby Sister & Her Big Brother March on Washington at the 50th Anniversary

Baby Sister & Her Big Brother commemorated the 50th Anniversary March on Washington. They stood by the reflecting pool and heard modern greats such as Rev. Bernice King; Martin L, King, III; Trayvon Martin's Mother, Sybrina Fulton; Rep. John Lewis; and Al Sharpton. They then marched by the Lincoln Memorial, and of course, the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial. They sang songs of empowerment and chanted with the crowd. It was an awesome moment in their history, and at the tender age of 5 and 7 respectively, the significance of the day will probably not be realized for another 50 years. Maybe, just maybe, they will be leaders of tomorrow, and will help to forge the way for the next generation.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Baby Sister's Surgeon, Dr. Michael J. Rutter



Tracheal reconstruction and complex airway surgery

Education and Training

Fellowship: Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, 1997 to 2000; Health Research Council of New Zealand Training, 1995 to 1996; Fellowship in Clinical Research, New Zealand, 1996.
FRACS: Part II, Sydney, 1996.
Primary FRCS: Glasgow, 1989.
BHB: Auckland School of Medicine, 1983.
MBChB: Auckland School of Medicine, 1986.
Residency: Various RMO posts, New Zealand Otolaryngology Training Scheme; Health Research Council of New Zealand Training Fellowship in Clinical Research.
Certification: USMLE II, Sugney, June 1995; USMLE I, Sydney, June 1996; USMLE III, Cincinnati, July 2000; Board Certification, American Board of Otolaryngology, 1999; Ohio State Medical Board, 2001.

Baby Sister Is Discharged From CCHMC

What a joyous day!  Baby Sister was discharged from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital this morning, and is at the hotel resting comfortably.  We can already see a BIG improvement in Baby Sister because her breathing is very quiet, and she is NOT flopping all over the bed as she sleeps… indicating that she is getting more oxygen and therefore able to rest while she sleeps.  We are working on a soft menu to support her nutritional needs for the next 10 days, and since she appears so well, we are planning to return to Maryland tomorrow in hopes of getting there before Hurricane Sandy.

We are extremely grateful for all of the many prayers, words of encouragement, and support during this time.  We can’t thank you enough... THANK YOU!  THANK YOU!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Baby Sister UPDATE

Baby Sister did very well overnight. The doctor's just examined her, and her surgical sight and drain bag look great! They will remove it later this morning. She will then see the Speech Team to evaluate her ability to swallow, and that will dictate if we can be discharged today. Thank God for His Awesome love and power. Everyone here has been really great! Thank you Cincinnati Children's Hospital! I also sends a special shout out to Kathy, Baby Sister's PICU nurse. She has been wonderful overnight! Thank you for attentive service to Baby Sister and me.